
ANZHFR Lecture 3: Total hip replacement versus hemiarthroplasty in the management of hip fractures

Hip Fracture Care Clinical Care Standard, Quality Statement 4- Timing of Surgery and Quality Statement 5- Mobilisation and Weight Bearing.

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr Marinis Pirpiris and Prof Ian Harris discuss the use of total hip replacements versus hip hemiarthroplasty in the management of hip fractures. They will also be discussing the use of dual mobility hip replacements.


Malaysia doctor & patient

Current & future challenges of hip fracture management in Malaysia


Formation of Malaysian, multi-stakeholder alliance striving to curb brittle bones


Launch of Capture the Fracture® Partnership – a practical & evidence-based guidance for policy shaping


Launch of The APCO Framework – the first pan-Asia Pacific minimum clinical standards for the screening, diagnosis & management of osteoporosis

JK, Wing Chan & Harry Genant

Tribute to a giant in the bone health field – Professor Harry K. Genant, M.D. (1942-2021)

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