
Closing the Care Gap Between Orthopaedic Surgeons and Physicians in Secondary Fracture Prevention: Call to Action

A new joint initiative by the International Osteoporosis Foundation and Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association calls on orthopaedic surgeons to strengthen collaboration with physicians to improve secondary fracture prevention and patient outcomes.

The new publication features key messages related to fracture management, post-fracture rehabilitation, fracture healing and national fracture registries. Most importantly, it highlights 10 urgent actions which should be taken by the medical community, and orthopaedic surgeons in particular. It underscores the leading role that orthopaedic surgeons can play in the development and implementation of Fracture Liaison Services or Orthogeriatric Services in their hospitals and clinics.



Innovative Rehabilitation in Asia Oceania: AOCPRM 2020 in Korea


Fragility Fracture Network Initiatives in Asia Pacific

APFFA July 2020

Improving Fracture Liaison Services with patient-centred metrics

IOF Capture the Fracture Partnership

IOF announces a great step forward for secondary fracture prevention


APFFA: Facilitating optimal fragility fracture management across Asia Pacific

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