Education Directory
A curated collection of materials from the
Asia-Pacific region supporting education on osteoporosis and fracture prevention for a range of audiences
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Step safely: strategies for preventing and managing falls across the life-course.
- Healthcare professionals
World Health Organization
For healthcare professionals working with vulnerable older adults at increased fracture risk due to osteoporosis, falls prevention assessment and decreasing falls risk is of paramount importance.
The Step Safely technical package provides concrete recommendations for evidence-based strategies to prevent and manage falls for children and adolescents, workers, and older people. Importantly, it includes recommendations for older people in three settings (home, residential care facilities, hospitals).
Radiological guidance for the recognition and reporting of osteoporotic vertebral fragility fractures (VFFs)
- Healthcare professionals
Royal College of Radiologists
Vertebral fragility fractures (VFF) are common and are frequently present on imaging, but are rarely reported.
This dedicated guidance is designed to facilitate radiological recognition and actionable reporting of VFFs. The recommendations are applicable to all individuals who report imaging that may incorporate the spine, including radiologists reporting on- and offsite (including teleradiology) and reporting radiographers. This guidance has been endorsed by the British Society of Skeletal Radiologists, the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal Osteoporosis Society.
FFN Clinical Toolkit
- Healthcare professionals
Fragility Fracture Network
A Global Call to Action to improve the care of people with fragility fractures.
The purpose of this Clinical Toolkit is to support implementation of the three clinical pillars of the global Call to Action.
Osteoporosis and COVID-19
- Healthcare professionals
International Osteoporosis Foundation
Continue to keep patients safe, treated and fracture free
The global Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected the prevention and care of chronic diseases such as osteoporosis. IOF has developed various educational resources and information to assist healthcare professionals, patient societies, and patients in adapting to the challenges related to assessment, treatment and lifestyle prevention for osteoporosis.
Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry (ANZHFR) 2021 Annual Report
- Healthcare professionals
- Patients
- Policy makers
- Hospital administrators
Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry
The 2021 report provides the largest and most detailed report on hip fracture care in Australia and New Zealand. The 2021 report includes 14,816 records from 86 hospitals.
The Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry (ANZHFR) is one of an increasing number of hip fracture registries globally, set up with the intention of using data to drive a quality improvement agenda. With data on over 65,000 hip fractures collected over the past 6 years, it continues to be a key source of information on how care is provided and the outcomes of care following a hip fracture.
Making the Best of FLS – Key Performance Indicators Webinar
- Healthcare professionals
- Policy makers
International Osteoporosis Foundation
KPIs measure secondary fracture prevention effectiveness at the patient level
Webinar and slides by Prof. Kassim Javaid and Prof. Serge Ferrari to understand and implement the KPIs to drive quality improvement for FLSs so they deliver the full potential of secondary fracture prevention
My Hip Fracture Care Guide: Information and individual care plan
- Healthcare professionals
- Patients
Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry
Help patients receive effective treatment and prevent subsequent fractures.
This guide for patients, families and carers contains important information about recovering after a hip fracture. It also contains an individualised care plan which can be used to assist the patient’s transition from hospital care.
Hip Fracture Care Clinical Standards
- Healthcare professionals
Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry
Help patients receive effective treatment and prevent subsequent fractures.
The Clinical Standards provide guidance to consumers, clinicians and health services on delivering appropriate care to people with a hip fracture.